Paul Gorman is…

A brief journey through David Bowie’s London from the 40s to the 10s with me and Herb Lester


As a tribute to the late rock star, I have joined forces with map-makers Herb Lester to create an online guide to David Bowie’s London from his birth at 40 Stansfield Road in Brixton in 1947 through his solo art show in Mayfair in 1995 to the giant retrospective David Bowie Is exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum in South Kensington in 2013.

From residences, schools, clubs and live venues to manager’s offices, Soho coffee bars and video shoot locations, the map provides 50+ crucial stop-off points in Bowie’s illustrious career with facts and background info in pop-up text boxes.

The map is not definitive or by any means exhaustive, but hopefully provides a snapshot of this quintessential Londoner whose life and body of work manifested the contradictions and creativity bursting forth from our capital.

Enjoy David Bowie’s London for free on Herb’s site here.

Among the source materials for this map is Kevin Cann’s definitive compendium ANY DAY NOW: DAVID BOWIE A LONDON LIFE 1947-74, which we highly recommend. Copies are available here.

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